Questions About Using IV Sedation At The Dentist

3 August 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Do you have an upcoming dental procedure that you are feeling anxious about? It could be from the potential discomfort that you experience during the procedure or a general fear of going to the dentist. Thankfully, there are forms of sedation that can help you get through your dental procedure. Here are some questions you likely have about intravenous sedation, commonly referred to as IV sedation.  What Is IV Sedation? Read More 

Signs, Symptoms, And Treatment Options For A Dental Abscess

24 June 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

A dental abscess is a severe infection of the inside of your tooth, the surrounding bones, or your gum tissue. Because dental abscesses are purulent infections, meaning they contain bacteria-rich pus pockets, it is essential that you make an appointment with your family dental professional for prompt evaluation and treatment. Here are some signs and symptoms to be aware of and some treatment options to consider if you have a dental abscess. Read More 

Dental Implant Maintenance And Restoration

18 May 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

A dental implant is an amazing option to replace missing teeth. Unlike dentures and dental bridges, implants use the jawbone to support the implant. Dental implants are incredibly durable, but they still need regular care. In some cases, they may even need restoration. If you would like to know more about dental implant maintenance and restoration, keep reading. How Do You Maintain Your Dental Implant? You maintain your dental implant the same way you maintain your normal teeth: with good oral hygiene. Read More 

Preparing for Your Tooth Replacement Procedure

5 April 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

If you have suffered the loss of a tooth, there are replacement options that can provide a durable and natural-looking replacement solution. While this can be a common procedure for individuals to need, they may not always be prepared for what this process will involve when they first suffer the loss of their tooth and are evaluating their options. The Placement of the Tooth Implant Will Need to Be Done Over Several Sessions Read More 

3 Types Of Sedation Dentistry

28 February 2022
 Categories: Dentist, Blog

Dental procedures such as root canals can cause pain, which is why many people develop anxiety and phobia for dental treatments. The fear can interfere with treatment, making your dentist work harder than required. Likewise, dental treatment phobia may make you not show up for your dental appointment. This may lead to further progression of your dental problem, leading to tooth loss. Fortunately, dental sedation helps patients relax and endure the entire treatment process. Read More