Refinements to Increase Your Satisfaction with Dental Bonding

9 September 2015
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


Dental bonding is one of the easiest and least expensive cosmetic dentistry procedures. However, this doesn't mean that the satisfaction rate is a hundred percent at the end of every bonding procedure. There may be refinements and corrections that your dentist has to do before you are satisfied with the outcome. Here are three examples of such refinements:

Uniform Symmetry

It's possible that your teeth may not have perfect symmetry at the end of the bonding process. This is why your dentist will check your teeth's appearance and measure their width and length. These measurements are taken using highly precise instruments (such as a digital caliper) that detect even the least variations in your dental symmetry. In addition to your dentist's measurements, you should also speak up if you feel there is an issue that needs to be corrected.

If the symmetry isn't satisfactory, then the dentist may have to drill out the little bumps. Your teeth will not be affected; only the bonding material will be drilled out to make your teeth appear uniform.

Bite Alignment

The bite is the appearance of the teeth when your mouth is closed. Perfect bite alignment means that your upper teeth come down exactly on your lower teeth when you bite down. This may not be the case after your dental bonding session.

To detect such a problem, the dentist may place a paper-thin material between your upper and lower teeth. If the alignment isn't satisfactory, then further refinement of the bonding resin may be necessary to correct it. Note that this correction is only useful for misalignment brought about by the bonding process. If your teeth were misaligned to begin with, then you may need to correct them before bonding them.


The dental bonding agent doesn't have the same texture as your natural tooth. Obviously, it wouldn't be good to have teeth whose textures are significantly different from others. So, to make your dental bonding more similar to your natural tooth, your dentist will polish the bonding material so that it matches your natural teeth's sheen.


Don't forget to take care of your bonded teeth; they can still get damaged despite your dentist's best work. For example, you shouldn't place too much bite force on them until the anesthesia wears out completely and you can feel the pressure. It's also advisable to check your bite once the numbness has worn off because the bite check at the dental office may not be accurate due to anesthesia effects. Consult your dentist for anything that looks amiss; the sooner you do that, the easier the requisite correction may be.

For further information about dental bonding, contact a company like Comfort Dental.