3 Times Your Child's Dentist May Prescribe A Dental Crown

23 February 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If your child damages a tooth, his or her dentist may suggest a dental crown. Dental crowns are hollow caps that are placed over a compromised or discolored tooth. A dental crown may be fashioned from stainless steel common, metal alloy, gold, porcelain, or porcelain-over-metal. Here are three instances in which a dental crown may be prescribed for your youngster:  

A Chipped or Cracked Tooth

If your child chips or cracks his or her tooth and the crack is superficial, the dentist may simply fill the chip or crack with a composite bonding material. However, if the chip or crack is extensive enough to permit the entry of oral bacteria into the tooth, or if the damage is so severe that it could eventually result in the cracking of the tooth into two parts, a dental crown will likely be placed.

The crown protects the tooth from bacterial invasion. It also supports the damaged structure so that further damage does not ensue.

A Large Cavity

If your child develops a large cavity, the dentist will remove the decay and fill the hole in the tooth. However, he or she may also install a dental crown.

The crown of a primary tooth is often made of stainless steel. Although some of the other crown materials, such as porcelain and porcelain over metal, are usually placed during two separate dental sessions, a stainless steel crown can typically be applied during a single dental visit.

In addition, the stainless steel crown is less expensive than other crown materials, and although the stainless steel is not tooth colored, it comes out when the primary to is shed.

Dental decay that results in the formation of a cavity typically occurs when acid from oral bacteria demineralizes tooth enamel to weaken it. Once the enamel is weakened, further demineralization just exacerbates the decay. The placement of a crown over your child's tooth prevent further decay by blocking the access of the acid to the tooth enamel.

A Darkened Tooth

If you have an older child whose adult teeth have presented and one of the teeth has been damaged by trauma, the tooth may be dark in color. To improve the appearance of the darkened tooth, the dentist may suggest a tooth-colored crown.

Dental discoloration that occurs because of trauma does not usually respond to a teeth-whitening application. In addition, depending on the age of your child, the dentist may hesitate to prescribed dental bleaching.

A porcelain or resin crown can cover the discoloration and blend seamlessly with the other teeth in your child's mouth.

If your child has a damaged tooth, contact a pediatric dentist (such as one from Webster Cosmetic Dental LTD) in your area.