How Antidepressants Can Impact Your Dental Implant Recovery

11 April 2016
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


If you take antidepressants for depression and anxiety, you may not be a good candidate for dental implants. A new study has recently published disturbing results about some of the side effects of antidepressants and how they impact your oral and bone health. If you take antidepressants, learn more about how your medication can affect your candidacy for dental implants.

Bone Health Matters A Great Deal To Successful Implant Recovery

If your bone health is poor because of the side effects produced by antidepressants, your jawbone may not be able to support the titanium posts used for dental implants. However, if you take antidepressants and have been taking them long-term, your bone health could be less than desirable for dental implants or grafting procedures. Antidepressants carry a side effect that reduces the healthy bone metabolism, a factor that needs to be considered before you have dental implants put in because it can greatly affect your healing process. While many people have bone grafts done before having implants to increase density and strength of their jawbone, the grafting procedure may not work as well if your bone metabolism is poor from taking antidepressants.

Adding Insult To Injury Where Bone Health Is Concerned

Another common side effect of antidepressants, especially when taken long-term, is osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a condition that causes the bones all over your body to become less dense and softer, making them easier to fracture or break. If you suffer with osteoporosis caused by taking antidepressants for a long time, your dental implants will not have strong bone to stay in. Taking care to strengthen your bone density before having implants is vital to your recovery being successful.

Akathisia And How It Can Cause Your Dental Implants To Loosen

Another side effect of antidepressants is called akathisia, a condition that causes you to be fidgety and restless, constantly moving. Many people suffering with akathisia also grind their teeth together, a habit called bruxism. If you have dental implants put in and you also suffer with akathisia, you could end up loosening your implants from constantly grinding your teeth together. Your dentist may be able to provide you with a specially designed mouthpiece to help to lower the effects of bruxism.

If you have several missing teeth and need dental implants for being able to eat and talk properly, learning more about other ways than oral antidepressants to control your depression and anxiety is important. By doing so, you can have the chance to start improving your bone and oral health in preparation for dental implants. To find out more, contact someone like Ginger Scoggins DDS.