Why Some People Make Better Implant Candidates

7 September 2017
 Categories: Dentist, Blog


A dental implant is a great replacement option if you have a missing tooth. However, this option is not suitable for everyone. Some people make better implant candidates than others. Here are a few reasons why.

Dental Implant Restorations Heal Best if Gums are Healthy

During the placement of a dental implant, the device is inserted through the gums into the bone of the jaw. In order for the wound to heal properly and quickly, the gum tissue must be healthy.

Gums that are unhealthy are often inflamed due to poor dental hygiene. The acids that are produced by the oral bacteria in the mouth can irritate the gingival tissues and incite gum disease. 

These acids are easily diluted by rinsed away thorough brushing. In addition, the plaque that contains the oral bacteria is removed, providing a healthier environment for the gums. As a result, meticulous oral hygiene should be employed before and after the placement of an implant.

People who suffer from periodontitis, which is a severe variation of gum disease, have a higher incidence of implant failure. Peri-implantitis which is an infection of the gums around an implant can spread to the bone of the jaw, making it difficult for the implant to properly integrate with the jawbone.

Dental Implant Restorations Can Fail Due to Osseointegration Interruptions

After an implant surgery, the device starts to connect with the bone of the jaw. This connection process, which is called osseointegration, is usually complete within a few months. However, if the implant is moved from its position and the connection between the dental implant and the bone is lost, the implant will fail.

This failure is due to the interruption of the osseointegration process. Once the connection between an implant and the jawbone is breached, it will not re-form. As a result, a new implant restoration must be performed. 

Dental Implant Restorations Need Good Bone Density

In order to perform an implant restoration, the dentist needs enough healthy bone to support the insertion of the device. If the bone is too thin or brittle, it may not offer a stable base for the implant. In addition, the bone may not grow around the implant properly. 

As a result, your dentist reviews the thickness of your bone prior to an implant placement. If the bone is not thick enough, a bone graft may be performed to add to your current bone material.

For more information about dental implants and to determine if they are suitable for you, schedule a consultation with an implant dentist in your local area.