Dental Situations That Require Prompt Treatment
ShareIf you have a dental emergency, the prompt treatment of your oral condition is important. Here are a few situations that are often considered to be dental emergencies and why their treatment should not be postponed.
A Dislodged Tooth
The dislodging of a tooth can easily happen when a tooth incurs a great amount of pressure, such as that from a blow to the mouth. Once the tooth is knocked from its socket, the blood vessels within the pulp of the tooth are no longer receiving blood, and the tooth begins to die. If the tooth is not reintegrated into the mouth in a timely manner, any efforts to reconnect the tooth will fail.
Special care must be taken to keep the tooth material alive until the dentist can properly place the tooth back in its socket. Thus, any soft tissue that is attached to a dislodged tooth should be left in place. If the tooth has become soiled during its dislodgement, it should only be rinsed. No scrubbing should be performed, and detergents and soaps should be avoided.
Additionally, the tooth should be placed in the pocket of your cheek or in a container of milk to keep it moist on the way to the dental office. Still, even if the tooth is not allowed to dry out, prompt professional care is needed to reconnect the tooth in the mouth while the tooth and the connective tissues are still viable.
If you believe that you can hold the tooth in its socket until you reach a dentist, you can do so. However, after you arrive, the dentist will need to examine your mouth to assess the extent of the damages. Additionally, they will need to ensure that the tooth is properly aligned in the socket.
A Cracked Tooth
Even if you feel that a dental crack is superficial, it is best to receive prompt dental treatment. A crack can appear to be minor when it is actually quite serious.
A dental crack should be sealed before it permits oral bacteria to invade a tooth. Additionally, the crack should be x-rayed to ensure that it has not completely separated a tooth through its roots. A crack that divides the tooth through the roots cannot be sealed. A tooth extraction is necessary to prevent significant discomfort and a potential dental infection.
If you believe that you have a dental emergency, contact the office of an emergency dentist in your local area.